



Director of Consultancy Partnership
Candidate information


I’m delighted that you’re interested in this incredibly exciting new role at TSIP.

Our mission is to ensure that people and organisations have the knowledge, access and power they need to drive positive change in the places they choose and on the issues that affect them. We work with partners in philanthropy, local government and business, who want to connect, collaborate and reimagine solutions to ensure people can thrive in their communities.

Society has never been under such sustained and multi-causal pressure. In the context of these unprecedented challenges, this is exactly the time to recognize that tweaks just aren’t going to cut it. We need to reimagine, to re-engage and to re-build. We can’t reimagine a fair society alone, but we can join forces with partners who want to raise people and communities up, to amplify unheard voices, to share knowledge and power and to work side by side to make society fairer.

This role will be the engine of our new strategy: you’ll create both practical and analytical capacity, develop healthy income streams, and generate insights that can in turn be explored and amplified within our Social Innovation Lab. I very much look forward to meeting you.

"This role will be the engine of our new strategy: you’ll create both practical and analytical capacity, develop healthy income streams, and generate insights that can in turn be explored and amplified within our Social Innovation Lab. I very much look forward to meeting you."

Katie Fowler
Katie Fowler
Chief Executive, TSIP